семейство автомобильных кофеварок HANDCOFFEE

Handcoffee Range

You don’t have a Handcoffee Range and you’re interested in this machine?

More information

How much water do I need to pour?

The Handcoffee allows you to make a small (8cl) or large (11cl) Senseo® type coffee according to your taste!

As you can see on the right, you have 1 LED on the left side of the machine and 2 LEDs side by side on the right. The first indicator corresponds to an 8 cl cup for a shorter coffee. The other two lights correspond to a 11 cl cup for a longer coffee.

You can choose between 80 and 110 ml! But in any case, the Handcoffee machine will always prepare a single cup of coffee.

A wide range of soft pods

With the Handcoffee coffee machine, you’ve got a whole range of soft pods and won’t be disappointed!

There are lots of coffee pods to choose, which enable to make a long or a short coffee. But the offer of soft pods is even wider! You will be able to have a coffee to your liking!

On the opposite page, you can see that there are cappuccino, chocolate or even tea pods to be found. Do not hesitate to take a closer look at it. You will no doubt find exactly what you are looking for!

How to save time

If you find that 4/5 min is a bit long to prepare a cup of coffee and if you start to grow impatient, here is the solution to save some time: preheat your machine!

If you know that you will stop to have your coffee break, fill the reservoir with cold water before leaving, close the lid (without putting a pod) and when you are about to stop, just press the power button to heat the water. When you are ready to drink your coffee, you have just to restart your Handcoffee (by pressing the power button) and put the pod!
That's it !